First Horizon Corporation Credit Ratings1

Ratings Agencies Moody's2 Fitch Ratings3
Long Term Issuer Default Rating

Baa3 (Stable)

BBB (Stable)

Short-Term Issuer Default Rating


F2 (Stable)

Viability Rating


bbb (Stable)

Support Rating



Preferred Stock

Ba2(hyb) (Stable)

BB- (Stable)

Senior Unsecured

Baa3 (Stable)

BBB (Stable)

First Horizon Bank Credit Ratings1

Ratings Agencies Moody's2 Fitch Ratings3
Long-Term Issuer Default Rating

Baa3 (Stable)

BBB (Stable)

Subordinated Debt

Baa3 (Stable)

BBB- (Stable)

Short-Term Deposits

P-2 (Stable)

F2 (Stable)

Long-Term Deposits

A3 (Stable)

BBB+ (Stable)

Preferred Stock

Ba2 (hyb)(Stable)

BB- (Stable)

Viability Rating


bbb (Stable)

Bank Support



Senior Unsecured


F2 (Stable)

1. A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities and is subject to revision or withdrawal at any time and should be evaluated independently of any other rating.
2. Last change in ratings was on May 14, 2015. Outlook changed to stable and ratings affirmed on June, 25 2024.
3. Last change in ratings was on May 6, 2020. Outlook changed to stable (“Stable”) and ratings affirmed on May 5, 2023.